divendres, 18 de desembre del 2009

213 Madrid Road
Olot (Girona)
5 December 2009
Mrs Julia Brown
Customer Services
19 Wilcox Street
Dear Mrs Julia Brown,
I am writing to complain about a digital clock radio which I bought last weekend for my mother because it is useful, portable and cheap. The trouble is it can only receive two radio stations and it is impossible to switch off the light, it is always on, but the worst is that the alarm clock does not work well. If I may switch on the alarm, the alarm will not sound although I will have turned up the volume.
When I tried to return the faulty digital clock radio to Designer Electronics, the shop assistant told me he was not the reponsible for these special offers and he does not want to replace it.
I would like you could let me have a refund but I will accept a replacement if it is impossible. I am going to enclose the receipt with this letter. You can contact me if you need any more information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Sílvia Colom

1 comentari:

sylviacolom ha dit...

no em deixa fer espais entre paràgrafs...