divendres, 9 d’octubre del 2009


213 Madrid Road
Olot (Girona)
C.P. 17800
2nd October
Dear Sophie,
I'm having a fantastic time because today it's 1st May.
On 1st May people don't work here because it's "the worker's Day" and everyone is happy for it.
In Olot, every year there are many shops in street. The shops are in the morning, and now I'm shopping with my friends.
My family and I always get together to have lunch at my grandmother's house. She usually shares out the food and after all the rest clear up the mess at the end.
In the afternoon, I sometimes watch a film but I think today my friends and I will watch an interesting football match.
Why don't you visit us next time? You'd like it!
Write to me soon,

1 comentari:

carmina ha dit...

Sílvia, You need to upload 2 more compositions.