dimarts, 9 de desembre del 2008

Magic story!

Long ago, there was a news reporter who had got a magic camera which records future.

One day, the news reporter took a photo with this camera.

In the reporter's photo you could see a terrorist and a bank robber. They were robbing a house while the rich punk girl was proving her new lipstick. It's a lipstick that makes you beautiful.

So, the news reporter went to visit his friend who was a politician. Next, they wanted to avoid the robbery but the terrorist and the bank robber escaped with the punk's flying car because the police didn't listens them and thought they were crazy.

One week ago, when the politician was training supersonic shoes for speaking, he finished his new invention: a watch telling you how long you will live!

He was really a magician and he had made the camera which record future, too.

Suddently, he used the watch and it told that he had got only 50 hours of life!
50 hours later, he was so nervous but he was living.
At the end, he looked at the watch and he realized that the watch was spoiled!

diumenge, 16 de novembre del 2008


Our teacher said that we must make a movie of halloween and this is our film.
See you soon!


divendres, 14 de novembre del 2008


We chose the ONG (clowns without borders) because in the class we talked about the good causes.

dimarts, 27 de maig del 2008

The fabulous experience with Green Day

How are things?

A month ago, our English teacher, Carmina, invited Judit to our English class. Judit is a friend of Carmina and Judit also is a IES Bosc de la Coma’s teacher.

When Judit finished her career, she decided improve her English in Oakland, California and she want work of AU-PAIR, too.

So, after she sent the application letters, she was very lucky because she was accepted by Billie Joe Armstrong and his family!

Billie Joe Armstrong is the lead singer of a very popular group called GREEN DAY.

She tells us they are a normal family.
She has had a good time with they and she’s taught Spanish to Joey and Jacob. They’re the children of Billie and his wife Adrienne.

She has been on tour with the band and she can visit Hawaii, Los Angeles, Virginia, Florida, San Francisco, Oakland (of course), and anothers places.

She thinks the best moment is the Christmas holidays.
